Classes have already begun and you've probably settled into the groove of college life and your new schedule. If you are a freshman, this was probably a huge adjustment for you but don't worry. Whether you're a freshman or a 2nd semester senior, here's a few quick tips you could use to make the rest of your college career easier.
1. Focus on job placement & not just your degree.
If you know the career that you want to have after graduation, start looking at the job requirements. Find out what type of skills and education background you will need. Start building from there. Work on those skills and adjust your major & classes accordingly.
2. Prioritize.
There will always be parties. You’re not missing out. Handle business before you go out to play. Remember, you are paying for this education. Get the school work done & out of the way before you party & hang out with friends.
3. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Asking for help does not make you weak nor does it mean you know any less. Your professors are there for a reason. Use them as a resource for your success.
4. Try to get an internship.
We’ve already talked to you about the importance of internships and how helpful they can be. It looks great on a resume and it helps you decide if this is the correct career for you. Check the bulletin boards around your campus and visit your professors. Businesses are always sending information to colleges and professors about job and intern opportunities.
5. Avoid procrastination.
You definitely don’t want to get into the habit of waiting until the last minute to get assignments done. Rushed work will not result in good grades and you are less likely to remember the information that you studied. Get your work done early and enjoy your free time after.
6. Save money.
Those 4 years of college will fly by! While you’re in school, start saving your money. If you work during school, we suggest saving at least 10% of each check. Put it aside for life after college or those unexpected costs that pop up like late fees, car repairs or moving out after you graduate. You could also try your hand at investing, That’s a good way to start making money without actually working.
7. Don’t go just for the degree, go for the education.
Having a degree and being educated is not the same thing. Sometimes students get so fixated on getting their degree that they don’t actually take in the information they are learning. When you are choosing your electives, take some classes that are not related to your major but something that you find interesting. Join organizations that allow you to step outside of your comfort zone and experience something different. The information and lessons you learn in college will make you a well-rounded individual.
8. Make friends with people in your major.
What better study buddies than the people in the same classes as you. They can be beneficial when it comes time for sharing notes and even comparing teachers before you make your schedules for next semester.
9. Study and try to get ahead before class.
Make sure you do the reading before class. No the professor might not give a pop quiz on the reading and there probably won’t be an assignment to go along with it, but if you did the reading before the class you will be prepared. It will be easier for you to keep up, you’ll be able to participate in class discussions and ask questions if something doesn’t make sense.
10. Don’t wait until you are failing to introduce yourself to the teacher.
Make a good impression before the end of the semester. Visit your professor during office hours, stay after class to ask questions, and participate during the class. Having a good relationship with your professor comes in handy when you fall behind or forget an assignment. They may consider allowing you to make them up or offer extra credit to you because they trust you are a good and trustworthy student.
11. Be prepared and be on time for class.
Don’t skip class. Most classes have an attendance policy and if you miss too many classes not only will you be behind in the learning but it may affect your grade. Reserve those absent days for when you actually need them.
12. Join organizations within your major.
This is one of the best ways to get exposure and first-hand experience. For example, a communications major can join the school's newspaper or radio station. You’ll learn all about what it takes plus create things to put on a resume.